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Our Founder Message

Dato' (Dr.) Eadon Ching
Founder & President of
  •    Pertubuhan Amal Seri Sinar
  •    Green Earth Mission

Managing Director of

  • Seri Salam Sdn Bhd.
  • Green Spurs Sdn Bhd.
  • Kumpulan Makmur Sri Pahang Sdn Bhd.
  • Eko Salam Sdn Bhd
  • Eko Capaian Sdn Bhd

​ ​​Centre of Green Earth Mission is a green showcase comprises of individuals, corporate and organizations with a heart for the environment.
Living in an uncertain environment today, people are choked by the high carbon content in the environment that has caused the DOOMS DAY alarm to start ticking. If something is not done fast, humanity will be facing the deadliest environment attack against the forces of nature -  rising global temperature, sea levels, haze, pollution, adverse weather conditions etc.
The environment is our responsibility. We were the cause for environment hazard and it is up to us to fix it back.
At Pertubuhan Amal Seri Sinar (P.A.S.S.) we are formed with the mission to educate the public on recycling for charity. To date, P.A.S.S. has collected 130,000 tons of recyclables since 2003 thus helping the Local Government save ten of millions of Ringgit on managing solid waste. RM 3 million is donated for charities & environment conservation.
At Green Earth Solution Sdn. Bhd., we are committed in developing products that are environment friendly. You will notice that each of our services and business are embedded with the environment in mind and people in our heart.
Together we can GREEN the EARTH.

Thank you. 
Eadon Ching